Tuesday, September 28, 2004 Allow choy today is tuesday, 2 days ago is Sunday, cause hari ini ga ada yg mo diceritain,gw cerita hari minggu aja deh, Hari minggu tuh, gw ga ke gereja hiks..hiks...Sorry GOD !! malemnya gw bawa mobil project, balik dari Workshop ke Balikpapan, seharusnya seh yg bawa tmen gw but karena dia kurang sehat gw diminta jadi DRIVER hahahahha !!! udah gitu nyampe jam 8 malem,yah gw sekalian aja nginep di Mess project males balik lagi ke kostan ...jauh ...kudu naek ojek heula GOKIL !!! eh pagi-nya gw bangun kesiangan ....karena capek dan lelah so Gw rencanain gereja sore....eh nyampe ke kostan jam 12-siang, gw ditelepon Rimba TIRED of SUNDAY !!!! leaving skool trebor182 at 4:01 PM ::---:: Friday, September 24, 2004 college...COLLEGE...college waks....blogs...i've begin my college since last week, hehehhe ini kali pertama gw ngerasain gimana kuliah...huhuhuuuu emang apa yang aneh dengan kuliah...Banyak bedanya,but yang terutama adalah perubahan cara belajar sebagai anak kuliahan, emang seh bisa dibilang cuek banget,tapi dibalik kecuekan itu sebenarnya muncul yang namanya cara belajar secara DEWASA...ahahahha that's my OPINION jekk !!! gw sendiri bingung EMANG GW UDAH DEWASA ??? huh rasanya gw ga bisa menjadi dewasa dan diriku menolak tua hihihi SERINGAI abizzzz !!! yah emang setelah perkuliahan udah mulai aktif gw makin sibuk,balik ke kostan juga semakin malem setelah disiksa yang namaanya kerjaan heheh but still HAVE FUN-we lah !! COLLEGE IN FAITH & ROCK !!! leaving skool trebor182 at 1:47 PM ::---:: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 pA$C4-63nER@L-3lEc+!ON well, general election is DONE !! like we all have known from media electronic or other news source, for a while Mr. SBY is leading on the vote percentage as President Candidate. Who'll know he is will be the 6th Leader Republic of Indonesia, let see for further vote count result. BTW, i'm not use my right choosen, caused one and other things huehuehuehue, but sure i'll respect to who ever will be Next President for my lovely Indonesia with requisite i.e : He/She can make a change anything in Indonesian system which can make happines for all the citizen of Indonesia. Ok i think just it for my conclusion Pasca General Election. !!Wish our dream become true!!. leaving skool trebor182 at 11:08 AM ::---:: Friday, September 17, 2004 whoaaaaa .... allow guys, how r u ? gokil gw kangen banget ama blogs gw neh and loe semua.....hahaha....1 minggu lebih kompie di office terjangkit VIRUS yang entah siapa yg menyebarkannya ...tp yg pasti yang membuat VIRUS tersebut huahuahuahua...eh New info neh hehehe...gw udah mulai aktif kuliah di STIKOM ( Teknik Informatika ) ngambil S1 karena klo banyak2 S-nya ntar abisss huuuhuuuuuu *Garink mode=ON*....okeh sekarang segalanya udah kembali normal meskipun blom 100%,but kompie gw udah bener2 pulih and sekarang office lagi trial Wireless ke salah satu ISP di Balikpapan.. and tonight gw pulang kuliah langsung ke office b'coze ada temen2 lagi ga tau ngapain, ya udah gw mampir soale di sms-in suruh ke office pulang kuliah,...padahal ga ada gawean cuma OL di YM huhuuuuu..ok the election day is coming...kyaknya gw golput...sorry INDONESIA, forgive me...lain kali gw pasti ikut serta...okeh have a nice long weekend...Take Care..See u All
leaving skool trebor182 at 11:19 PM ::---:: Monday, September 06, 2004 IN THE NAME OF ROCK ![]() leaving skool trebor182 at 1:17 PM ::---:: Friday, September 03, 2004 "MISSION POSSIBLE" with Ps. Ze Leon [NY] Ari Sehasale, Joe (Cool Color), Edo Kondologit and u|x singers (Host band) on 3 September 2004, 7pm at Surya Building Lt. 16, Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta- [Sebrang Sarinah Thamrin] Free - Be There guys!! GBU *gw lanjutin, vid* For all of you in Balikpapan at Ballroom,1st Floor Dusit Hotel, Jl. Jend. Sudirman on 24 September 2004, 7pm wita For Further Info Contact : Sangkakala Borneo 91.10FM Balikpapan GBU leaving skool trebor182 at 2:20 PM ::---:: Thursday, September 02, 2004 UNTITLED hi all !!! well, how r u guys?? september has begun, get up and against your bright future...don't be muse...acceleration ur life w/o annoying the others. *sorry if this so confusing for u, just to raise our spirit* ::ROCK !!!:: leaving skool trebor182 at 10:00 AM ::---:: |
::-ABOUT-:: utak-atik by: robert was born in Bandung February2nd'84,PCI:D-190Cimahi, now stay @board in Balikpapan,East Kalimantan melodic,rock,ChristianityMusic4l,ugd WishHaveANiceFuture Thanks GOD...Bless my Family always
::-SAY IT !-::